How to Interpret and Implement the Recently Updated UFC 4-010-01, Antiterrorism and Force Protection Requirements (Course)


Moderator: Rad Delaney, AIA, F.SAME, CDM Smith

Course Presenters:
Mark P. Gardner, P.E., Blast Security Consultant, Managing Engineer, Hinman
Jeffrey Nielsen, P.E., Antiterrorism Standards Engineer, Air Force Civil Engineer Center (AFCEC)

Course Length:  1.5 Hours

Course Credit Hours:  1.5 PDHs, 1.5 AIA LUs/HSW

**For AIA credit, please email Belle Febbraro at with your name, email address, and AIA #. 

Course Overview:
Join this webinar to learn about the recent changes in Unified Facilities Criteria (UFC) 4-010-01 and become familiar with what AT/FP consultants and/or reviewers see as critical to the design of compliant buildings.

The Department of Defense (DOD) Antiterrorism/Force Protection Document (UFC 4-010-01) is a design criteria required to be considered on all DOD facilities.  The standards made a big change to blast design and standoff distances in the latest version. This webinar provides additional detail as to what these changes mean to you. The presenters also discuss case studies and some pitfalls other design professionals have missed.

Keywords: UFC, Antiterrorism, Unified Facilities Criteria, building, design, UFC 4-010-01 Training, UFC 4-010-01 Certification, Antiterrorism and Force Protection Requirements Course

How to Interpret and Implement the Recently Updated UFC 4-010-01, Antiterrorism and Force Protection Requirements (Course)

How to Interpret and Implement the Recently Updated UFC 4-010-01, Antiterrorism and Force Protection Requirements
How to Interpret and Implement the Recently Updated UFC 4-010-01, Antiterrorism and Force Protection Requirements


Moderator: Rad Delaney, AIA, F.SAME, CDM Smith

Course Presenters:
Mark P. Gardner, P.E., Blast Security Consultant, Managing Engineer, Hinman
Jeffrey Nielsen, P.E., Antiterrorism Standards Engineer, Air Force Civil Engineer Center (AFCEC)

Course Length:  1.5 Hours

Course Credit Hours:  1.5 PDHs, 1.5 AIA LUs/HSW

**For AIA credit, please email Belle Febbraro at with your name, email address, and AIA #. 

Course Overview:
Join this webinar to learn about the recent changes in Unified Facilities Criteria (UFC) 4-010-01 and become familiar with what AT/FP consultants and/or reviewers see as critical to the design of compliant buildings.

The Department of Defense (DOD) Antiterrorism/Force Protection Document (UFC 4-010-01) is a design criteria required to be considered on all DOD facilities.  The standards made a big change to blast design and standoff distances in the latest version. This webinar provides additional detail as to what these changes mean to you. The presenters also discuss case studies and some pitfalls other design professionals have missed.


UFC Presentation   (2.8 MB)
PDF of presentation.
Program Description   (72 KB)
How to Interpret and Implement the Recently Updated UFC 4-010-01, Antiterrorism and Force Protection Requirements (Course)

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