Designing Glazing Systems Under the Updated UFC 4-010-01, ATFP Requirements (Course)

Originally Presented: July 9, 2015

Course Length: 1.5 Hours

Course Credit Hours: 1.5 PDHs/ 1.5 AIA LU/HSW

Moderator: Rad Delaney, AIA, F. SAME, CDM Smith

Jeffrey Nielsen, P.E., HQ AFCEC/COSC
Lynne Bregmann, P.E., Hinman Consulting Engineers, Inc.

The DoD Antiterrorism/Force Protection Document (UFC 4-010-01) is a design criteria required to be considered on all DoD facilities. Standard 10, Windows and Skylights contains the design criteria for mitigating the hazards caused by non-blast resistant windows and skylights.

• This webinar provides additional detail on how to comply with the DOD blast resistant window and skylight criteria. The first part of the presentation will focus on the main changes to the criteria and discuss the implications of these changes. Highlight other reference and tools available to assist in designing windows for DoD facilities.

• The second part of the presentation provides case studies and specific examples of how the Stand 10 criteria has been interrupted and implemented for various types of DOD projects including Design-Build, Design-Bid-Build, and Window Vendor work. The project examples not only highlight the implementation of Standard 10 but how other design decisions and UFC 4-010-01 Standards affect the Standard 10 requirements.

Keywords: resilience, UFC 4-010-01, glazing systems, ATFP requirements, skylight, anti-blast, Windows

Designing Glazing Systems Under the Updated UFC 4-010-01, ATFP Requirements (Course)

Designing Glazing Systems Under the Updated UFC 4-010-01, ATFP Requirements
Designing Glazing Systems Under the Updated UFC 4-010-01, ATFP Requirements

Originally Presented: July 9, 2015

Course Length: 1.5 Hours

Course Credit Hours: 1.5 PDHs, 1.5 AIA LU/HSW

Moderator: Rad Delaney, AIA, F. SAME, CDM Smith

Jeffrey Nielsen, P.E., HQ AFCEC/COSC
Lynne Bregmann, P.E., Hinman Consulting Engineers, Inc.

The DoD Antiterrorism/Force Protection Document (UFC 4-010-01) is a design criteria required to be considered on all DoD facilities. Standard 10, Windows and Skylights contains the design criteria for mitigating the hazards caused by non-blast resistant windows and skylights.

• This webinar provides additional detail on how to comply with the DOD blast resistant window and skylight criteria. The first part of the presentation will focus on the main changes to the criteria and discuss the implications of these changes. Highlight other reference and tools available to assist in designing windows for DoD facilities.

• The second part of the presentation provides case studies and specific examples of how the Stand 10 criteria has been interrupted and implemented for various types of DOD projects including Design-Build, Design-Bid-Build, and Window Vendor work. The project examples not only highlight the implementation of Standard 10 but how other design decisions and UFC 4-010-01 Standards affect the Standard 10 requirements.


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Designing Glazing Systems Under the Updated UFC 4-010-01, ATFP Requirements (Course)

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