Compliance with Labor Laws (Course)

Originally Presented: September 23, 2014

Course Length:  1.5 Hours

Course Credit Hours: 1.5 PDH

Moderator:  Jodi Vaccaro, Sr. Buisiness Development Representative, USA Environmental

Speakers:  Nichole DeVries Atallah, Labor & Employment Litigation Attorney, PillieroMazza
David A. Rose, Attorney at Law, Moser Rose Attorneys 

Course Overview:
Are you a contractor working on a federal project, a labor compliance representative, a construction business owner, or the like? If so, you don't want to miss this informative webinar hosted by the SAME Small Buisness Council!

The Small Business Council pulled together an expert team to present on the statutes applicable to federal contracts for construction and for the provision of goods and services. With the myriad of Labor Laws, staying educated on new requirements and maintaining compliance provides the foundation for gaining and retaining federal contracts and avoiding legal interferences. 


Keywords: labor laws, Compliance, federal, Contractor, Construction, Engineering, Compliance with Labor Laws Course, Compliance with Labor Laws Training, Compliance with Labor Laws Certification, Compliance with Labor Laws Training Courses

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Compliance with Labor Laws (Course)

Compliance with Labor Laws
Compliance with Labor Laws

Originally Presented: September 23, 2014

Course Length:  1.5 Hours

Course Credit Hours: 1.5 PDH

Moderator:  Jodi Vaccaro, Sr. Buisiness Development Representative, USA Environmental

Speakers:  Nichole DeVries Atallah, Labor & Employment Litigation Attorney, PillieroMazza
David A. Rose, Attorney at Law, Moser Rose Attorneys 

Course Overview:
Are you a contractor working on a federal project, a labor compliance representative, a construction business owner, or the like? If so, you don't want to miss this informative webinar hosted by the SAME Small Buisness Council! The Small Business Council pulled together an expert team to present on the statutes applicable to federal contracts for construction and for the provision of goods and services. With the myriad of Labor Laws, staying educated on new requirements and maintaining compliance provides the foundation for gaining and retaining federal contracts and avoiding legal interferences. 



Compliance with Labor Laws Presentation PDF   (910 KB)
Program Description   (120 KB)
Compliance with Labor Laws (Course)

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$50.00 ( Per License )

Visited: 1400 Times

Difficulty: Normal

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